
"Received" 是一个英文动词,其主要意思是“收到”。通常用于描述一个动作或过程的结果,即某物被接收、得到或是达到某个状态。

在不同的语境中,"received" 可以有不同的用法:

1. 商业信函中的表达: 在商业活动中,“received”常出现在订单确认邮件等文件中表示货物已经收到了或者服务已经被接受了;例如:“We have received your order and it is being processed.”
2. 社交场合的表达:“Received” 也可以用在日常生活的交流当中表示对某人送的礼物或邀请的感谢回复。“Thank you for the gift! I really received it!” 或者 “I would love to attend the party on Saturday evening. Please let me know if I am ‘received’.”
3. 收音机/电视节目的表述在使用收音机收听广播节目或者在电视机收看电视节目时也可以说 "received" ,意为成功接收到信号并可以正常播放;“The broadcast was received in good quality.”
4. 法律法规中的规定在某些法律条款和法规中也可能会提到 "received" 。 例如,在关于知识产权方面的法律规定中提到,“Any copies of this work that are distributed or offered for sale must include the notice: Copyright © [Year of publication]. All rights reserved. Failure to receive such notice does not constitute receipt of the work.”(任何分发或出售的本作品的副本必须包含以下通知:“Copyright © [年份]。保留所有权利。”未收到此类通知不构成收到作品。)以上是“received”的一些常见用法及其解释。"receive" 和 "received" 的意思很接近,都表示了从别人那里得到东西的过程和行为。
